Friday, September 21, 2012

You have been called...

    While we were still serving our Hong Kong Temple Mission, we felt the need to start the process of applying for a second mission, hopefully to Taiwan.  Our wishes came true on March 14 when we received our call.
"...You are assigned to labor in the Taiwan Taichung Mission.  Your primary assignment is to labor in the Taichung Taiwan Family History Support Office as a family history specialist.  It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months..." Signed:  President Thomas S. Monson
     So, here we are, in Gaoxiong, Taiwan, serving the Family History Mission.  We arrived on Saturday, September 8, 2012, after enduring a 5 hour layover in Los Angeles, and a 14 1/2 hour ride in a 777, another 2 hour layover in Hong Kong, and another 1 1/2 hour flight to Gaoxiong.  We thought that the long plane ride was probably the most difficult part of the mission.  Since we arrived at 9:30 AM, we stayed up most of the day, so our jetlag wasn't too bad at all.  The Office missionaries from Taizhong came to pick us up at the Gaoxiong Airport since President and Sister Bishop were in Hong Kong attending a mission presidents' meeting.  Elder Hansen and Elder Taylor came too to haul our luggage.  It was a hot and humid day as we were drenched before we even left the airport.
Elder/Sister Liston and Elder/Sister Davis
     Gaoxiong is a city located in southwestern Taiwan, facing the Taiwan Strait on the West.  It is the second largest city in Taiwan, with a population around 2.9 million.  It is a center for manufacturing, refining, shipbuilding, and other light and heavy industries.  It is major port through which pass most of Taiwan's marine imports and exports.  It was exactly 48 years ago that Elwin served part of his mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here.  The place has grown exponentially, especially since the government merged the city and the county together a few years ago.  

    Since we are serving in the Family History Center in the East Gaoxiong Stake, the missionaries found us an apartment on the east side not too far from the Stake Center.  We have a 12th floor apartment with 3 medium size bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room/dining room combo and a medium size kitchen.  The laundry room on the balcony.  The size of the apartment is 1175 square feet vs. 475 that we had in Hong Kong.  So, the place seems humongous compare to what we had.  Besides, the cupboards are mostly for my height.  Oops, Elwin declares that the sink is too low for him to do dishes.  Yes, it's my size, but if I had to stretch for the last 45 years, the least he could do is stoop down for 18 months.  :-)  We do help each other a lot.  So it won't be a problem.  

    Most people travel in cars or motocycles/scooters in Gaoxiong.  The public transportation is not nearly as convenient as Hong Kong or Taipei.  We have a 10-minute walk to the bus stop to go to church and another 5-6 minutes from the bus stop to the church building.  It takes some getting used to, but the members spoiled us by bringing us home from the church most of the time.  We have yet to ride home in the bus.  The issues arise when we come home from grocery shopping.  There are small open markets within walking distance, but if we go to Costco (yes, just like the ones in the US), Carrefour (a French-type of WalMart), and or other supermarket, we usually need to take a taxi home.  The cost is around US$3-5, affordable.    

     There are 3 wards meeting at this stake center.  Since we live in the San Ming District, we have been going to the San Ming Ward, but do spent extra time to attend the sacrement meeting in the other wards.  Since the Family History Center serves the whole Gaoxiong City and areas to the South, we plan on visiting most of the wards either by ourselves, or with the Family History staff.  

     Members are very nice and enthusiastic, much like how it was during my time here in Taiwan after I joined the church.  During the first week, we had some members taking us shopping almost everyday.  The Stake Relief Society (the women's organization in the church) asked me to make a list of what we might need and she posted it on Facebook.  The Mission Office had purchased some basic pots and pans, dishes and things, but we now have double of almost everything.    :-)  A vacuum cleaner would have cost between US$400 - 800, but a member brought us her extra one for us to use.  Someone even  brought us 2 winter blankets for us to use during the winter even though the winter is very mild here.  We are overwhelmed with the kindness and love.

     We've been invited out twice for dinner already.  President Chen (2nd counselor in the Taichung Mission) and his wife live in Gaoxiong and invited us to their apartment for dinner last Sunday.  It was a 5-story building with an elevator.  The place was very western, in fact, the whole area was very modern and beautiful.  
At Pres./Sister Chen's with their friends and missionaries
     Sister Li (Stake Relief Society president) and her husband (director of Institute of the LDS Church) had us over for dinner Wednesday night.  It was a chicken enchiladas dinner.  What a treat!  Sister Li showed me where to purchase tortillas, cheese, and all kind of spices.  I think we'll do just fine.
At Bro/Sis Li's with 2 sister missionaries from Taipei
     We are grateful to be called to serve in Taiwan.  Many thanks to our family and friends for your prayers, love and support.


  1. This was all so interesting! I'm glad you are happy and're in my prayers. Love, Sherri

  2. I am anxious to read the stories that will come from research and your service. to be in the mission field is a wonderful adventure (sigh)

    hope it will be us again....

  3. It almost sounds like you've picked up right where you left off! :)

  4. Glad to hear you're fitting right in already! Love you guys!
