Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas celebrations!

     There are Christmas decorations everywhere; at the malls, on the streets, in the apartment complexes, restaurants, ... yet the Christmas spirit is not quite there.  Contrast to that, my sister Alice and I were at Washington D.C., one week before Christmas a few years ago.  There were no Christmas decorations anywhere.  Well, except for the Korean restaurant where we had lunch, there were Christmas decorations, with Christmas music playing softly in the background.  I remember the feeling of Christmas spirit there.  What is the Spirit of Christmas?  It is the Spirit of God working on us.  It is the Spirit that whispers to us when we are still and listening.  It's the good feeling that we feel many times when we are on our mission.  We are grateful for the wonderful people of Taiwan who made our stay here so memorable.

     Christmas Eve:  We were invited by the Lin family to have dinner with them.  The missionaries shared Christmas stories.  Then we went out caroling to the Lin's neighbors.  We were able to explain to the neighbors about family history and family search.  It was fun evening.
Needless to say, we had a good time.

December 13 - 15:  Temple weekend

     This is our favorite time of the year.  East and Gaoxiong Stakes had the temple day on Dec. 14.  We usually go a day earlier to work at the temple serving the English speaking members.  This was especially special because my sister Ling is with us and also we invited the senior missionaries from TaiZhong Mission to come to enjoy the festive activities at Church in Taipei.  The most amazing thing was that the Family History Department Head, Elder Allen Packer came for a visit.  Elwin and I were able to suggest that a fireside for the Gaoxiong members be held in Taipei after the temple sessions since the members were already there.  We were so happy that it worked out.  Elder and Sister Packer, and Elder Rockwood were the speakers.  They brought messages of love and concern and also the roll out of the focus of Family History.  

    We stayed for the evening Nativity Pageants on Saturday night.  It is usually held outdoors, but because of the rain, it was moved to the cultural hall for the 7 PM showing.  The English Speaking Ward did a fantastic job.  We then stayed for the missionaries choir afterwards.  We stayed at the Citizen's Hotel (星辰大飯店) on JinShan South Road.  It was a fine hotel.  

Dec. 19:  TaiZhong Mission Christmas Activity

    We took a tour bus at 6 AM with all the Gaoxiong District missionaries and headed for SunMoon Lake.  The main activity was a group picture and the big feast at the TaiZhong Buffet Steak House.  I loaded up on seafood while others went for the steaks.  Elwin had Mongolian BBQ.  It was fun to be with the other senior missionaries too.  We got back at 9:30 PM (me with an aching body).  

     Thanks to all the people who made the activity possible.  We had a good day!

Dec. 22:  East Gaoxiong Stake Christmas Party
     Not only did we have tons of food, we also had a talent show by the children and youth.  Also invited was the local elementary school orchestra with 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.  It was very special.
The missionaries had a service project at the local Red Cross on Dec. 22.  It was a wonderful opportunity for us to do some outreach.



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