Sunday, September 22, 2013

A trip down the memory lane in Tainan

My family moved up north to Taipei during my high school senior year in 1960.  After graduating from Tainan 1st Girls' High School, I went to ChengChi University to study.  We came back to Tainan to visit occasionally, but never had the chance to visit any famous places.  After living in the US for 45 years, we came back as LDS Family History missionaries.  Things have changed so much.  Tainan is no longer a small city that I grew up in.  .....

Brother Chen Xian Jin 陳賢進, our Southern Taiwan Family History District leader, a former stake president, took us on a special trip to visit Tainan, his hometown, and my hometown.  How grateful we are for his kindness!  We haven't seen or heard of any of these places that he took us.  It is truly amazing.

First Stop
Lu-Erh-Men Holy Mother Temple鹿耳門聖母廟:  Fashioned after the Beijing’s Forbidden City (北京紫禁城宮殿), the place is humongous.  It started out to be a place where Koxinga (Cheng Chen Kung) landed when he came to Taiwan.  As immigrants came to Taiwan, this was the place when they entered the island, AnPing Port.  Rich historical writings are available on the web.   
The Davis' and Brother Chen

Second Stop:  The tree house in AnPing
An abandoned house with Banyan trees growing over it. The roots overgrowing the house makes for nice pictures and it just looks amazing. You can also catch a great view of the river.

Third Stop: Eternal Golden Fort 億載金城- Erkunshen Artillery Fort, it is also called Anping Big Artillery Fort. The Fortress was built in 1874 to shore up Taiwan defense against the Japanese threat.  The Imperial (Qing Dynasty) General Inspector Shen Boazhen surveyed Anping's topography, and petitioned to build an artillery fort at Erkunshen.  Designed bya  French engineer and armed with British weapons, it was finished in 1876.  Above the outer and inner arches of the brick gateway is inscribed "Eternal Golden Fort 億載金城".

Fourth Stop:  The Mangrove Greenway Chanel (四草大衆廟竹筏港綠色隧道) - this video was recorded by Brother Liu

It was a very fun trip on our p-day, Friday, September 13th.

Here is a collage of the trip.

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