Cousin 施慧娥's 90th Birthday Celebration
With Cousin 施瓊娥,慧娥‘s younger sister and Mom's best friend when they grew up together.
Great-granddaughters with birthday balloons |
Meri, 施瓊娥's daughter, the hostess, read the poem she wrote for her aunt
Daughters and daughter-in-laws singing
I compiled a Shi 施 Clan book II, an 80-page publication, and presented to Cousin 施慧娥 for her birthday。 I printed 40 copies and they were all gone before the party was over. The Shi Clan book included the Shi lineage from our grandchildren's generation all the way up to Huang Di, the first emperor of China as recorded in the Chinese history. Sources of information are:
- The Shi Clan Book published in 1923: It is now in the LDS Church Family History collections.
- The Shi notebook from Aunt Shi Mei Juan with pedigree charts
-,,, etc.
- Clan book collection at the Gaoxiong Family History Center in Gaoxiong
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The Shi Clan Book included pictures and stories of ten famous ancestors, starting with Huang Di (黃帝)on page 16 and 施世綸 on page 22 of the 1923 Shi Clan Book (url listed above).

The picture above on the right is 施世綸, with the notation that he was a very righteous judge and the first Han Official working as a chief judge for the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kang Xi. That left an impression on me about this special person.
Last night, as I was flipping through TV channels, I noticed a Chinese TV series called "Judge Shi Gong" (Gong is a title). I thought the name sounded very familiar. So I started watching. It was very interesting. He was a little like a King Solomon who judged wisely and people loved and respected him. It wasn't until today that I remember seeing his name in our Shi Clan Book. I found him in the book. There is a TV series about Judge Shi Gong, my direct ancestor. That was so amazing and incredible.
We are loving our blessings of finding my ancestors. The joy is beyond words. We hope to be able to help people here to enjoy doing their family history. It's not just a hobby, it's a responsibility as we connect with our ancestors. May the Spirit of Elijah be with you as you search for your ancestors.
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