Friday, September 20, 2013

Family History Recorded Testimonies

It has been an amazing journey. Since we came to Taiwan to serve a family history mission, the sky opened to us. The Spirit of Elijah has been with us as we continued to find connections to the past. We continued to find more and more information about the Song Family. It finally reached Huang Di, the first recorded Emperor of China. I cannot even fathom the idea of going beyond 4 or 5 generations, but we traced the Song lineage all the way back to the beginning of Chinese civilization. Yes, we do have a gap between Song Yong (0585 - 668 AD), to Song Zhang (1791 - 18??). Someday we'll find that too, I'm sure. Below is my testimony as recorded by Brother Liu LanSheng.

We were also able to find my Shi line, Mom, Shi MeiLian's line, all the way to Huang Di too.  Truly, it has been a testimony building time.

During the past 2 months, we have also helped several members trace their ancestors to Huang Di.  With their permission their testimonies are posted as follows:

衛范秋蓉 的祖先己追到 黃帝 了- in Chinese

楠梓支會 杜冬梅姐妹,赴大陸尋家譜的心路歷程!

鳳山支會的 戴華欣姐妹:我先生 薛氐家諳 追到黃帝了!


江振嘉 主教 家譜追到黃帝了!

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